Läs åttornas Humans of Gute

Eleverna i åttan har fått göra sina egna Humans of New York-porträtt på engelskan. Fotobloggen HONY har blivit världskänd för sina korta och ofta charmiga möten med människor på gatan, i USA:s mest tätbefolkade stad. Åttornas berättelser är i samma stil men de har träffat personal på Guteskolan.

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This was my forth year at Guteskolan and we decided to have a drama group at “elevensval”. I don’t remember exactly how many were with us, but we were about ten people. We decided to do a play to show the other students. It was about a girl who was bullied and it ended happily. But the most interesting part of the whole project and the successfulness is that they all cooperated very good and they really did some hard work. It was also very nice to see the students develop. Some of them were shy in the beginning and in the end they were performing on the stage in front of all the other students. I was so happy to see that, and to see the development from where we were in the beginning and to how it was in the end. They really did take great responsibility for the whole project. I was very proud and lucky when they did the performance.
Av: Tilda Hagström.

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In the teachers office there is something I call hotbunking. and that’s a word that comes from submarines, usually because in submarines you don’t have so many beds so you sleep in shifts. At all time there is someone sleeping in the bed so that’s why it’s called hotbunking, the bed is always warm. Now we have kind off this situation that we don’t have enough desks to sit and work on, that means that whenever a teacher come in and need to work, they just borrow someone else’s desk and sit there and work. So I kind of developed this nice strategy, that I always have a lot of paper and things on my desk, so it seems like I am really occupied and disorganized so no one will actually take my desk and sit and work there. So I call that hotbunking and I think that is kind of special for Guteskolan I haven’t seen that anywhere else.
Av: Noel Thomsson.

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When i was 21 years old i was in Canada and worked on a farm. I was there for seven months.

On the vacation in Canada i was down in the US and i went to LA, San Francisco and also a little bit in Mexico, Tijuana. I also was in Las Vegas and played casino, didn’t win anything though.

Av: Einar Lindkvist.


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It was in the early summer, I didn’t know what to do so me and my friend decided to travel to the Philippines training camp. The next day we booked the flight and travelled the same day to Manilla. Then we travelled from Manilla to an island called Boracay. There was the training camp. We arrived at the training camp at around 5 in the afternoon. We unpacked our bags and training clothes. The same day my friend started training at 6 o’clock in the evening on the last day of the training camp. We trained 3-4 sessions per day six days per week for 3 weeks and then we travelled back to Sweden. It was an interesting and spontaneous journey.
Av: Wincent Johannesson.


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It was the first lesson I had with 8a and 8b. When I came in to classroom everyone was a little bit quiet and shy. And now when I have them in math they are almost talking too much. They are never quiet and the discussing everything. I kind of like that they are funny to have lessons with.
Av: Kim Stenkvist.


[alert color=”white”]One of my greatest memories from Guteskolan was when we arranged a disco during my first year here, it was a Halloween disco. My students were ninth graders and they arranged the disco for the younger kids, first or second graders, who were supposed to dress up. They came to the disco all excited and dressed up as witches and ghosts and things like that. But the best part was that my students, the ninth graders, were so excited. They had prepared for weeks, they fixed everything so beautifully. The disco took place in “blå hallen” and the students were also well dressed up and had organized the disco well, the ninth graders were just as excited and happy as the children and they would even dance with the younger kids. It was just such a successful evening in the sense that everyone was happy. The evening turned out better than we ever expected.
The purpose of the evening was to make money, so they had an entrance fee, but unfortunately they didn’t make that much money and in that regard the evening wasn’t very successful but in the sense that we got the class together and had a great time together this night might have been the best thing that they did during their years at Guteskolan. Everyone was happy and the night was superb.”
I asked Katarina why they didn’t make that much money and if they sold any snacks/candy/soda.
“I think the entrance fee was only 10 crowns and only about 20-30 kids showed up so we didn’t make much money there. They sold a lot of sweets but I and my colleges, the teachers, ate most of it and we didn’t pay much for it either. The students had bought loads and loads of candy and after the disco they kept the rest of it in the school lockers but they forgot about it so the teacher, the mentors, we ate most of it. So by the summer most of the candy was gone, the students didn’t know heh.
Av: Jakob Blom.


[alert color=”white”]I will tell you about how I become a teacher. I was at your age in the 9th grade. I had an intern in the kinder garden and then I realized that I want to work with children. In the 9th grade you have to choose a high school program. Youth and children program was maybe the clear choice but I always think one more time before I choose something, so I choose Sience program in case if I would change my mind. But I didn’t and was happy that I went to Sience program because I had never become a math or a natural science teacher. So I went to Linköping university and become a teacher but not in kinder garden. I wanted to work with 7th grades because I think it was a bigger challenge and more fun and I followed that line.
Av: Sara Dahl.


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